Rasheeda Frost told her fans that she’s working from home these days. She shared a video in which she’s preparing the orders that people made at the Pressed Boutique, and she said that she’s making sure that these are getting on time.

‘Workin from home guys! Staying safe & still getting these orders out #quarantinelife #socialdistancing #workingfromhome #letsgo,’ Rasheeda captioned her post.


Someone said: ‘I love Rasheeda she’s so pure & sweet ❤️ they don’t make them like her anymore 😍’ and someone else said: ‘

Someone loved the fact that Rasheeda uses gloves and said: ‘I love that you have gloves on packing your shipments! It’s the little things to keep people protected, great job boss lady 🤗 @rasheeda.’

One follower posted: ‘Blessings @rasheeda. I wish I had a space to work in my house. It’s inundated with my kids and their kids and their stuff.’

Someone else noticed something and said: ‘Feet on clothes and some clothes on the bare floor despite gloves 😬’

A fan said that the clothes come from China, and they might be infected: ‘Those clothes come from China all the vendors get their stuff from the same place. Yall crazy. It is not safe.’

Another follower answered to the person above and said: ‘By the time it’s shipped from China, the virus would be dead, it can only last for 12hrs on surfaces etc.’

A follower said: ‘Love to see you actually working and you’re behind the scenes. It’s very motivating for a little Ol business like me. Much love.’

In other news, not too long ago, Rasheeda brought some good news for her fans who will be spending the next couple of weeks at home. Their Mondays will be happier because Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is back!


Fans could not be more excited following the announcement.
